wbk in the final of the Factory Innovation Award
At this year's Factory Innovation Award - The Best Smart Factory Solutions 2024, the Global Production Learning Factory reached the final and thus second place. The award was organized by the Center Industry 4.0 at the University of Potsdam, in cooperation with the Berlin-based GITO publishing house and the trade magazine FACTORY INNOVATION.
The jury particularly appreciated wbk for the flexibility and adaptability of its modules, which can be freely combined and selected according to requirements. The innovative AR/VR approach impressed the jury, as did the focus on global production, which was highlighted as an important aspect.
About the GITO publishing house
FACTORY INNOVATION FACTORY INNOVATION is the leading trade magazine for top management, providing guidance on the smart factory market. It shows how factories can be optimized through Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and conducts independent product tests. The magazine also accompanies the Factory Innovation Award. |
ERP MANAGEMENT ERP MANAGEMENT is the top specialist medium for decision-makers in the field of ERP systems. It provides comprehensive information on the selection, introduction and operation of ERP systems and accompanies the “ERP System of the Year” competition. Decision-makers will find valuable knowledge on ERP, HR, BI and CRM here. |
INDUSTRIE 4.0 SCIENCE INDUSTRIE 4.0 SCIENCE is the leading trade magazine for scientists and experts in the field of Industry 4.0. It offers insights into cutting-edge research on smart factories and artificial intelligence as well as guidance on important future trends. The magazine is aimed at specialists and technical management. |
GITO Verlag, Berlin GITO Verlag offers practice-oriented expert knowledge for decision-makers on all aspects of IOT, IIOT, ERP and the smart factory. With a passion for good specialist information, the publishing house publishes knowledge as an e-paper, in print and online for German-speaking countries and internationally. |